
Dell EMC Unity: How to remove the Not attached host access from the snapshots (User correctable)

Dell EMC Unity: How to remove the Not attached host access from the snapshots (User correctable)

   Article Number:     535998     Article Version: 2    Article Type:    Break Fix



Dell EMC Unity Family,Dell EMC UnityVSA,Dell EMC Unity All Flash,Dell EMC Unity Hybrid,Dell EMC UnityVSA (Virtual Storage Appliance)


Scenario 1:  When we try to remove host access for snapshots, error occurs:
“Host access cannot be modified for the following Consistency Group LUNs as they are snapshots. Go to the Consistency Group page to modify host access for the snapshots. And default snapshot’s host access cannot be removed in GUI either”

When checked, there was no Consistency Group listed.

Scenario 2:Customer was not able to remove the non-attached host access from the snapshots on the GUI for the existing CG,

Example of the CG snapshot access:


After removing the host access from the snapshots, The hosts are seen as not-attached snapshot hosts under snapshot access.(Noticed in scenarios where the snapshots are attached to VEAM backup)


Run the below command to remove the host access from the snapshots.

For LUN:
uemcli -u admin -securePassword /stor/prov/luns/lun -id <LUN_id_value> set -snapHosts “”

uemcli -u admin -securePassword /stor/prov/vmware/vmfs -id <vmfs_id_value> set -snapHosts “”

For CG:
uemcli -u admin -securePassword /stor/prov/luns/group -id <value> set -snapHosts “”

Below are the commands to get the ID values. ( Select the ID value for which you are trying to remove the snapshot host access)

For LUN:
uemcli /stor/prov/luns/lun show -detail

uemcli /stor/prov/vmware/vmfs show -detail

For CG:
uemcli /stor/prov/luns/group show -detail


The above commands will remove all the hosts access from the snapshot access only.
Please make sure to verify the same, incorrect modification will impact access of other hosts attached to snapshots.